Silicone softener with very good soft and inner feel. It is shear/Jet stable, so can be applied by exhaust method in Softflowm/c and by padding method also.
Non yellowing silicone softener with good surface feel. Can be applied through exhaust and padding methods
Silicone softener for CO and its blended fabrics, to be applied by padding only. Gives excellent surface feel.
Powerful silicone elestomeric softener for 100%CO knits applied by padding. It gives excellent surface feel, and bulkyness to fabric.
Hydrophilic non yellowing softener for CO and PES fabric to be applied by padding as well as exhaust methods.
High performance, non yellowing silicone softener for CO Knitts and Terry towells. Gives excellent softness, bulkiness and hydrophilicity.